Internet of Things (IOT)


Internet of Things (IOT)

Introduction of communication protocols like I2C, SPI, and UARS and working with them Working with OpenCV, to develop face detection

  • Module 1

    - Introduction to IOT

    - Fundamentals and Scope for IOT

    - Introduction to Arduino and Node MCU and platforms

    - Working with Arduino and sensors like LDR, IR, Vibration, PIR motion, ultrasonic, DHT11, etc.

    - Integration of Arduino with display units

    - Integration of Arduino with Bluetooth

    - Integration of Arduino with ESP8266

    - Integration of Arduino with cloud tools

    - Home automation project using Arduino

    - Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    - Installation of OS and basic knowledge about OS

    - Accessing GPIOs of Raspberry Pi

    - Working with Raspberry Pi and sensors

  • Module 2

    - Introduction to IOT

    - Fundamentals and Scope for IOT

    - Introduction to Arduino and Node MCU and platforms

    - Working with Arduino and sensors like LDR, IR, Vibration, PIR motion, ultrasonic,DHT11,etc.,

    - Integration of Arduino with display units

    - Integration of Arduino with Bluetooth

    - Integration of Arduino with ESP8266

    - Integration of Arduino with cloud tools

    - Home automation project using Arduino

    - Introduction to Raspberry Pi

    - Installation of OS and basic knowledge about OS

    - Accessing GPIOs of Raspberry Pi

    - Working with Raspberry Pi and sensors

    - Introduction of Python

    - Learning python and working with Raspberry Pi

    - Raspberry Pi and integration of sensors

    - Raspberry Pi and integration of cloud supported tool

    - Introduction to MQTT protocol and working with MQTT Protocol

    - Introduction of communication protocols like I2C, SPI, and UARS and working with them

    - Working with OpenCV, to develop face detection

    - Development of Android application using MIT App Inventor

    - Backup of Raspberry OS

    - Setup the web application stack

    - Setup the Database

    - Work with different sheets

    - Capture live sensor data 24x7 and display it on the host website.